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The world famous home of skiing, Austria, is an ideal resort for anyone who enjoys skiing.  The fresh alpine slopes, combined with picture-postcard scenery, and a grand culture of centuries old make Austria an ideal holiday destination, whether or not you simply adore skiing like me!

Austria is home to a wide variety of ski resorts, catering for all abilities and tastes.  From the lavishly expensive to the bargain basement (yet still of a consistently high quality), Austria has it all, from the highest peaks, to the snowiest landscapes, and with a bit of research you can find some really great deals.

When in Austria, you’d be mad not to ski the alps.  The dream of many skiers, the alps span several European countries, and is a must-ski for an enthusiast.  Spend a good few days in Austria, and dedicate at least one of them to skiing the alps.  You won’t regret it, I can promise you that!

If you put in the research work before you leave, you will generally be able to find some top quality accommodation at low prices.  Whether you are booking within a ski resort, or nearby, you should consult the internet to find last minute deals which might help you save money.  A good tip to bear in mind is that the star rating given  to accommodation does not indicate quality.  You might be better off in a one star than a three star for example, given that the star only represents the level of facilities.  Additionally, lower star ratings are usually cheaper, so you can benefit from quality, reduced price accommodation if you know where to look. Whatever type of accommodation you opt for, if you are flexible enough to leave for your vacation instantly you will benefit from good deals.  Hotels often cut their prices at the last minute, on the basis that some money for a room is better than no money, and so if you’re prepared to get away as soon as possible, you will find it can be really cheap, and you can still have a great time all the same.

On top of that, the internet is home to a variety of low cost airlines which run ‘no frills’, no ticket services.  In my personal experience, I have found these airlines to be as good as their more expensive competitors, and just as efficient and comfortable.  One word of caution about any airline: make sure they are equipped to handle skiing equipment.  Some companies will charge a surplus for your skis, so it is important to ask before you book as to arrangements for bulky or large and fragile goods.

Another highly recommended purchase is insurance for both your equipment and yourself.  Things do go wrong, on holiday as well as at home.  It is important, therefore to make sure you are covered.  Particularly when you are placing your equipment in an airplane hold, or when you are indulging in a dangerous sport like skiing, insurance is important for ensuring you don’t end up high and dry.  You can find good deals if you shop around, and it really is worth the few bucks to get that piece of mind, and actual backup in case things go wrong. In a word, it is essential. Don’t leave home without it!

Bike and Run Adventure Racing is the latest Concept from Gerard Fusil the founder of the Raid Gaulioses, who now organisers the Annual Reunion D'aventures and the bike and Run Oman Adventure.

Gerard Fusil, Bike and Run , Oman Adventure, Reunion d'Adventure, Adventure Racing, Sports. Expert or Beginner adventure Racing

Article Body:
Gerald Fusil is a man who always puts his ideas into action and others follow. The founder of the Raid Gauloises, The world’s first true expedition race is always on the lookout to expand the sport. The cost of competing in adventure racing has reached a level that few teams can now afford. Organisers and adventure racers are faced with high travel and insurance costs. One way to attract racers is to offer large sums in prize money, and top teams can make a living, but what about the average racer.

Last Year, During the annual Reunion D’Aventures race, Gerard Fusil added a bike and run discipline which required the four person team to share two mountain bikes during a couple of legs of the race. The trial was a success as teams were forced to think of tactics to complete the legs in the fastest possible way. Some teams doubled up on the downhill sections, others stayed, whilst the more successful set up a relay system with the rider going a set distance before leaving the bike at the edge of the track for their team mate, who would get on and then leapfrog them.

Gerard Fusil saw an opportunity to return once again to the basis of Expedition Adventure Racing. Providing teams the chance to explore a country, interface with the local population and race in exotic locations with out the need to transport large amounts of gear. Gerard Fusil announced his ideas at the Reunion D’Aventures prize giving and the world waited with bated breadth.

September 2005 saw Gerard Fusil Launch the Bike and Run Concept to the World with the Oman Adventure. Details were brief, two person teams to share one bike with only one person to be on the bike at one time. The race would be run in a number of stages including a night stage and teams had to be prepared to camp in the wild. Time was short so Gerard Fusil used the course notes from the 1992 Raid Gauloises for parts of the course.

Gerald Fusil made one other departure from the norm by pre-announcing the lengths of each stay and the names of the overnight camps. The race was to take place on the East Coast of Oman, however some of the place names were only known to the locals.
December 2005. A barmy evening camped by the sea saw Gerard Fusil briefing the gathered teams from France, Oman, UK, RĂ©union, Austria, Holland and Australia. Most teams had arrived in the morning so had little time to prepare. Support vehicles were shared by two teams, so competitors spent the night poring over maps and packing gear into the vehicles by torchlight.

The following day at dawn a convoy of vehicles transported the team to the start line in a nearby Wadi. The first day included a section of running only along goat tracks and this proved to be decisive as the Australian and one local Omani team got lost allowing a French team to build an unassailable lead.

Later in the week Gerard Fusil had mapped out the course with a 17k twisting climb from the sea to 1500 metres and also a section of canyoning with a number of swims.

Gerard Fusil had arranged camping or bivouacs in a number of scenic areas, with the stages starting in the early morning most teams would finish around mid-day or early afternoon.

The terrain in Oman is varied from lush oasis to harsh rocky hillsides and of course seas of sandiness where the teams finished the race. Gerard Fusil held the prize giving in Muscat the winners being a husband and wife team Wilsa Sport Helly Hansen from France. Second place went to the Australians and a Local Omani team came in third.

Teams came from many different backgrounds, Adventure racers, tri-athletes, marathon runners, mountain bikers; the final count saw adventure racers however leading the way.

Virtually all teams adopted the general tactic of leap frogging, however there were at least a couple of incidents when teams missed the bike, including one on the long climb for an all female team which required an extra 4k to be covered to collect the bike!

The Inaugural race proved to be a success and now Gerald Fusil has announced the second race of the series which will return to a different area of Oman at the end of November.

There is a huge variety of hunting equipment available these days, due to the growing popularity of turkey hunting and ever-increasing numbers of turkey hunters.

turkey, hunting

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There is a huge variety of hunting equipment available these days, due to the growing popularity of turkey hunting and ever-increasing numbers of turkey hunters. Turkey hunting was a much simpler activity in the past.

The hunter, dressed in his usual garb and hat, places his favorite slate call, box call, wing bone or scratch box into his jacket on the way out of the house. He picks up his double-barreled shotgun and a few shells in his pocket before walking out the door.

This is him, the turkey hunter — all ready to do battle with a wary old gobbler. But what other equipment will he have with him?

Having lots of choices and options is a very good thing when it comes to hunting equipment. Today’s modern turkey hunter has more choices than he ever had. But sometime, it becomes overwhelming to a beginner. Before going to hunting, you have to decide first what you are going to use to haul all of your equipment. This will also help determine the type and amount of gear you carry with you into the woods.

Turkey Vest, Back pack, and fanny pack are the three basic choices for packing turkey hunting gear.

These vests come in many different styles including the full vest or jacket style. Some prefer vests because of the many separate pockets and the game bag on the back that lets you carry decoys easily plus the gobbler if you are successful that day.

Backpacks allow you to carry much more gear than the vests. They also can be removed and even used as backrest if necessary.

The least expensive option are the fanny packs. They are popular to many hunters since you can carry some gear but you are not weighed down as much as with a backpack or vest. They also provide quick access to everything inside.

Many hunters will carry along a laser range finder and this is perfect, especially for those hunting with a bow.

Do you need to carry that lots of calls with you? No, absolutely not, but if you want to, there are now vests available that allow you to carry them and much more.

Here are some basic needs and optional gears you might consider:

Basic needs include shot gun, shotgun shells, full camo outfit including cap, and favorite calls. Turkey tag pencil or pen to sign tag. Gloves, head net or face mask. Bug spray for mosquitoes and ticks. Water and drinks, compass, toilet paper and knife are some of the few things that are usually brought.

Optional gears include decoys, turkey tote, extra set of gloves and facemask, extra strikers for slate calls, and other local calls like owl, gobble tube, hawk, goose, coyote, peacock and woodpecker. Leather type multi-purpose tools, flashlight, matches, cellphone, walkie talkie, 2-way radio, GPS, topo map and aerial photos for hunting area. Rain gear, binoculars, camera, camcorder, tripod, laser range finder, ratcheting pruners, folding saw, ground blind or square piece of camo cloth, Snacks/food, moistened hand wipes, seat or pad and snake bite kit.

Having all these gears will certainly not guarantee that you would become the best turkey hunter in the world, but they can help boost your chances of having a turkey dinner when you go home for the day.

If your dream is to get published, the chance is before you.The web has opened the portals of opportunity to all aspiring writers and freelance writers .

writing for the web,

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If your dream is to get published, the chance is before you.The web has opened the portals of opportunity to all aspiring writers and freelance writers .
It’s a whole new world with unlimited access to ideas and subjects for writers. Endless resources and information are available at the click of your mouse to help you get started and keep you going.
It’s up to you to exercise due diligence to make your dream of writing a reality. It does not happen overnight. It all starts with that first, small step towards pursuing your dream. The internet offers all kinds of avenues for anyone who has ambitions to write. Where do you begin?
Read what the multitude of e-zines and newsletters have to offer. This gives you an idea of what interests people as they spend more and more time surfing the web. What are the latest trends ? Pay attention to issues that tend to pop out here and there, again and again.
Subscribe to pertinent groups or forums that can be helpful in your quest. Stay abreast with the latest news, be interested in anything and everything.
Open up your mind. Then, you can decide which venue is right for you. Ask yourself, are you interested in mainstream type of writing ? Or would you choose specific areas of interest?
Assess your inclinations, your passions and your hobbies.What beliefs do you hold close to your heart? Make a list. In your career, what is your area of expertise? Do you write reports ? Do you keep a journal? A diary? You’re
already a writer!
Get excited about writing down your ideas. The golden opportunity is before you, as never before. Actually, jumping in the bandwagon of writing for the internet can be overwhelming for the faint of heart, confusing for the skeptic, yet exciting for the go-getter. Which one are you?
The internet is open to all segments of society and to people from all walks of life. Access is not limited to the technologically inclined. It is no longer as intimidating as it was when the information superhighway first opened in the 20th century. People are less apt to admit their computer illiteracy, rather, more members of our society are learning how to navigate the cyberspace.
Learn about the basic rules of writing for the web. Cyber readers tend to be fast thinkers, speed readers, with only seconds to spare. If you want to grab their attention, remember, you only have precious few seconds to do it.
Take heart. You already know this. You love to see your by-line. The web will help you get your name out there. The more you write, the better you’ll get at it. Technically, if your work gets published on-line, you are considered published.
Only thing, writing for the web for the countless e-zines and newsletters and web-sites is not for those who intend to make a living from their writing. Not at the start.
If you are willing to write and submit your articles for free, don’t miss out. For the aspiring writer, it is a good way to start. The more you write, the more exposure you will get, readers will get to know your name. Writing for the internet helps to drive traffic to your website.
What are you waiting for?

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